Small, brown parasites that live in the cracks and crevices of your home, bed bugs are not only a nuisance but also a risk to your health. If you have an infestation, your family may begin to experience signs and symptoms.
Physical Health Risks
When bed bugs bite, they cause the skin to turn red, swell up and become itchy. Because they often bite at night when people are asleep, many victims of these pests end up scratching in their sleep. Scratching too much can cause the skin to break and lead to the possibility of infection.
Mental Health Risks
Bed bugs often cause people to suffer mental health symptoms in addition to physical symptoms. Because they are hard to get rid of, they often lead to stress and depression. Insomnia is typical of those who suffer because they often wake up in the night to scratch. Friends and family members may not want to visit your home if it is infested, leading to social isolation as well.
The Possibility of Death
In rare cases, people may be seriously allergic to bed bugs. Hypersensitivity may lead someone, who is bitten, to go into anaphylactic shock. Without immediate treatment, bed bug allergies can be life threatening.
Bed bugs are notoriously hard to combat. Although home remedies are abundant on the internet, most do not work, and some are downright dangerous. The only surefire way to get rid of bed bugs is with the help of a professional exterminator. To learn more, call Area-Wide Exterminators in Stockton at